*Winner of the Excellence in art at 2th MENA's IMGA.
*Nominee of the Best Technical Achievement at 6th Tehran's Video Games Festival.
*Nominee of the Best Strategy Game at 6th Tehran's Video Games Festival.
*Nominee of the Best Game Of the Year at 6th Tehran's Video Game Festival.
Make your own Mafia family and hire the best of the best mobsters. Before it's too late take control of the city's Mafia Mobs and show them who is the boss.
Mafioso is a Turned-Based Strategy game. It shows battles between Mafia's Mobster Gangs who have taken control of all the city's around the world over the past decade.
Pesarkhande is an online multiplayer game
- Come face to face with other players and compete.
- Win the battle and get different chests.
- Take a chance on getting new heroes.
- Make your Own Mafia Gang.
- Become master of the battle's strategies by knowing heroes abilities.
* Vencedor da Excelência em Arte na 2ª IMGA do MENA.
* Nomeado para o Melhor Conquista Técnica no 6º Festival de Vídeo Games de Teerã.
* Nomeado para o Melhor Jogo de Estratégia no 6º Festival de Video Games de Teerã.
* Nomeado para o Melhor Jogo do Ano no 6º Festival de Videogame de Teerã.
Faça sua própria família da máfia e contrate o melhor dos melhores mafiosos. Antes que seja tarde demais assuma o controle dos Mafia Mobs da cidade e mostre quem é o chefe.
Mafioso é um jogo de estratégia baseado em turnos. Ele mostra as batalhas entre as Gangues de Mafiosos da Máfia que assumiram o controle de toda a cidade ao redor do mundo na última década.
Pesarkhande é um jogo multiplayer online
- Fique cara a cara com outros jogadores e competir.
- Vença a batalha e consiga baús diferentes.
- Aproveite a chance de conseguir novos heróis.
- Faça sua própria gangue da máfia.
- Torne-se mestre das estratégias da batalha conhecendo as habilidades dos heróis.
*Winner of the Excellence in art at 2th MENA's IMGA.
*Nominee of the Best Technical Achievement at 6th Tehran's Video Games Festival.
*Nominee of the Best Strategy Game at 6th Tehran's Video Games Festival.
*Nominee of the Best Game Of the Year at 6th Tehran's Video Game Festival.
Make your own Mafia family and hire the best of the best mobsters. Before it's too late take control of the city's Mafia Mobs and show them who is the boss.
Mafioso is a Turned-Based Strategy game. It shows battles between Mafia's Mobster Gangs who have taken control of all the city's around the world over the past decade.
Pesarkhande is an online multiplayer game
- Come face to face with other players and compete.
- Win the battle and get different chests.
- Take a chance on getting new heroes.
- Make your Own Mafia Gang.
- Become master of the battle's strategies by knowing heroes abilities.